It's kind of shocking to me the amount of people that can't spell or use proper English. It kills me every time I proof read a paper for a friend, or read things on Facebook, or even just talking with people; it makes me cringe to realize just how bad the population as a whole has become when it comes to the English language. To be totally honest, we sound like a bunch of idiots!
This is why we went to elementary school! All it was back then was reading, writing, and math. The fundamental basics. Granted, my elementary school was open by the skin of it's teeth, and didn't have a terribly great math program (I still can't do a lot of basic math... And I'm paying for it.). But my school DID push reading and writing. I can read a novel in about 2 1/2 to 3 days, and not to toot my own horn, but I can also write a pretty great paper. So it's very frustrating for me to see the misspelled, transposed, and just plain horrible grammar we are using today.
Of all the things about writing that annoy me, I'd have to say the biggest would be transposed words. Things that sound the same, but mean totally different things because of how they are spelled, such as your and you're, or their, there, they're. It's amazing how often just little words like that are misused, and people don't even realize it!
The other night, I was hanging out with some people who fit perfectly into this category of people who can't write or speak to save their lives. We were discussing the diversity of the area we live in, and some of the boys weren't very happy about how much the Spanish language is used in America; how it's so stupid when we call somewhere that we have to "Press 1 for English" (which I agree, is slightly annoying, but it's nothing to get all worked up about), and that it is suggested that we Americans start learning Spanish so we may at least understand it a bit, if not speak it fluently. One guy commented that "We were here first, they should have to learn to use our language, not the other way around!" (which technically isn't totally true to begin with). But I had to bite my tongue back to not say, "Hey buddy, don't worry, YOU still have to learn the English language before you can start learning Spanish, so don't worry about it..." It's slightly frustrating that people are so freaked about seeing Spanish everywhere they go, when they don't even REALLY speak English! All it is in the city now is slang (which is one of my ultimate pet peeves... I cannot stand slang!!)
So, next time your going to send that text or post that status, do a quick scan of your work. Check your spelling. For ALL our sake's...... Just a little more food for thought.
Loving Thoughts,
Girl With No Name
About Me

- girl_with_no_name
- I created this blog as a way to keep friends and family updated on my life and how I've been doing since moving away from the only place I've ever known: a small, 530 population town, to a large city! There have been a lot of ups, and a lot of downs, but through it all I've been trusting Christ, and learning what true faith means and what it really looks like...
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Blogger ID
Hey everyone! So, I love that you guys want to leave comments and such, but again I have to ask to not use names or demographic information! That way this is all as safe as possible for everyone! Thank you!
Loving thoughts,
Girl With No Name
Loving thoughts,
Girl With No Name
Friday, January 21, 2011
It's all about the money....
We talk all the time about the industries that will never go away. Part of the reason I chose to go into the health care field was job security. The other industries that will never go away? Criminal justice; As long as there are things worth stealing, there will always be bad guys to chase. Computer technology; we are advancing all the time into the "next big thing" that helps us to become more lazy and less self-sufficient. Banks will never go away. There are lots of things that will never go away. But one industry that people don't give a lot of thought to, that also will not be going anywhere, is makeup.
Us girls are always looking for the next great thing to make our skin smoother, our eyes brighter, and our lips plumper. We (collectively speaking) have done our part to help the make up industry become the multi-billion dollar corporation that it is today. I know I've certainly done my part. I have a fairly large (very pink) make-up case, and two more medium sized bags that I keep all my makeup in; most of which I don't even use anymore (but you have to keep because you never know when that bright neon green eyeshadow will be needed, even though you haven't used it since junior year in high school... true story). I just organized my makeup bags last night, and discovered I have somehow accumulated 8 eyeliner pencils, 3 of them being the same color - how that happened, I have no idea....
But makeup isn't just about foundation, bronzer, eyeshadow, and mascara. Then you have all the facial creams, lotions, and treatments abound, to get rid of the acne, the wrinkles, the large pores, and whatever else the "Big Guys" have deemed unsuitable for women to have on their face. It's really quite sad actually. No makeup models ACTUALLY look like their pictures for the makeup they are promoting. There is a lot of photoshop that people don't always remember-or even know about-when they see those pictures. So women spends hundreds of dollars every year to try and reach an impossible goal: to look like the cover-girl of whatever magazine they read to "be fit", "blend in", or "look their best". And millions of girls every year become depressed because they can't look like women in those magazines. We may have gained a better looking population, but we, as women, have lost the confidence to be real in our our own God-given skin. Sure, we don't want a bunch of pimples or blackheads; we need to take care of our skin. But does that mean we have to create a mask to hide behind? To create our fake self confidence?
I'm not making fun of, or trying to be de-meaning to any girls out there who are reading this. I, too, have been sucked up into the rat-race for the "best looking". I attempted about a month ago to not wear any makeup at all. That lasted for about 2 weeks. I realized that I couldn't be ME, with out it. It was a horrifying revelation; to see that I couldn't have fun and enjoy myself because I was too worried about what people thought of me with no makeup on. It's something that I'm working on. I don't wear anywhere near as much makeup as I used to, but I still have a hard time leaving the house without it. And, I would like to add- The whole time I've been writing this, I've been waiting for my "Pore Purging" clay mask to dry so I may go to bed.... Hypocrite? Maybe. Working on self-confidence WITHOUT the makeup? Most definitely. I encourage you to do the same.
Loving thoughts,
Girl With No Name
Us girls are always looking for the next great thing to make our skin smoother, our eyes brighter, and our lips plumper. We (collectively speaking) have done our part to help the make up industry become the multi-billion dollar corporation that it is today. I know I've certainly done my part. I have a fairly large (very pink) make-up case, and two more medium sized bags that I keep all my makeup in; most of which I don't even use anymore (but you have to keep because you never know when that bright neon green eyeshadow will be needed, even though you haven't used it since junior year in high school... true story). I just organized my makeup bags last night, and discovered I have somehow accumulated 8 eyeliner pencils, 3 of them being the same color - how that happened, I have no idea....
But makeup isn't just about foundation, bronzer, eyeshadow, and mascara. Then you have all the facial creams, lotions, and treatments abound, to get rid of the acne, the wrinkles, the large pores, and whatever else the "Big Guys" have deemed unsuitable for women to have on their face. It's really quite sad actually. No makeup models ACTUALLY look like their pictures for the makeup they are promoting. There is a lot of photoshop that people don't always remember-or even know about-when they see those pictures. So women spends hundreds of dollars every year to try and reach an impossible goal: to look like the cover-girl of whatever magazine they read to "be fit", "blend in", or "look their best". And millions of girls every year become depressed because they can't look like women in those magazines. We may have gained a better looking population, but we, as women, have lost the confidence to be real in our our own God-given skin. Sure, we don't want a bunch of pimples or blackheads; we need to take care of our skin. But does that mean we have to create a mask to hide behind? To create our fake self confidence?
I'm not making fun of, or trying to be de-meaning to any girls out there who are reading this. I, too, have been sucked up into the rat-race for the "best looking". I attempted about a month ago to not wear any makeup at all. That lasted for about 2 weeks. I realized that I couldn't be ME, with out it. It was a horrifying revelation; to see that I couldn't have fun and enjoy myself because I was too worried about what people thought of me with no makeup on. It's something that I'm working on. I don't wear anywhere near as much makeup as I used to, but I still have a hard time leaving the house without it. And, I would like to add- The whole time I've been writing this, I've been waiting for my "Pore Purging" clay mask to dry so I may go to bed.... Hypocrite? Maybe. Working on self-confidence WITHOUT the makeup? Most definitely. I encourage you to do the same.
Loving thoughts,
Girl With No Name
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
It's a trust thing....
Trust. It's such an interesting word. But it's not just a word; it has TRUE value. It's an action that we bestow upon others. For some people, trust is an instant connection. For others, it takes time and commitment. But for all, it is something that can be shattered in a matter of seconds; maybe to never be built up again, or maybe with time it can be earned back. Trust. So much impact for such a small 5 letter word.
So what happens when our trust in someone is broken? Well, first off, we feel instant anger. Questions raging through our mind; Why. How long has this been going on. What else have they done to wrong me. Then, slowly, the hurt sinks in. Starts to tear at you bit by bit until you feel just utterly defeated. How are you supposed to rise again from such a low blow? And in a lot of cases, it's not always the actions that harm the fragile bond of trust, but the deceitfulness of those actions. The sneakiness.
So, now that we have gone through the stages of hurt, ending finally at acceptance, what are we supposed to do? That's a great question. Right now- just pray, think about it, wonder how to approach it, and hopefully move on without too many scars.
Loving thoughts,
Girl With No Name
So what happens when our trust in someone is broken? Well, first off, we feel instant anger. Questions raging through our mind; Why. How long has this been going on. What else have they done to wrong me. Then, slowly, the hurt sinks in. Starts to tear at you bit by bit until you feel just utterly defeated. How are you supposed to rise again from such a low blow? And in a lot of cases, it's not always the actions that harm the fragile bond of trust, but the deceitfulness of those actions. The sneakiness.
So, now that we have gone through the stages of hurt, ending finally at acceptance, what are we supposed to do? That's a great question. Right now- just pray, think about it, wonder how to approach it, and hopefully move on without too many scars.
Loving thoughts,
Girl With No Name
Monday, January 17, 2011
Babies, babies, babies.....
It amazes me. The age of couples is getting younger. The rise of children with no respect for people or property is getting higher (which I think is in direct link of the younger parents). And the number of teenage girls getting pregnant is growing. And for some reason, society; which doesn't agree with this practice, is also doing nothing about it. Which leads me to tonight's post.
Today I helped my sister go grocery shopping. She has a little two month old daughter, and a son that is almost two years old. As we were walking around the super market, I was carrying my nephew, and there was one point where we were just walking down some aisles with out his mom. Just me and my nephew having a good time. So it kinda shocked me when a lady, in about her 40's or so, gave me an extremely dirty look. It was then that I realized that my nephew was saying "Mama" while looking at me (his look saying, "Where the heck is my mom??). So I guess it was natural for that lady to assume I was his mom.
So here is the part that really bothers me: It would be completely acceptable for me to be his mother, according to society. I am EIGHTEEN. There are girls out there younger than I am, that are getting pregnant. Some on purpose, others by accident. But still. It's amazing that a teenage girl can walk around with a young child and it is just automatically assumed that she is that child's mother. Amazing, and quite horrifying.
I mean, what are we teaching our kids these days?? Sex Ed is pretty much to the point where they say "Sex, it's bad. Don't do it". Yeahhhh, THAT'S reassuring... Or, like in the big schools, they are handing out condoms to students. Yup. That will certainly stop the teens from having sex.....
What ever happened to the good ole days when people WANTED to abstain from sex? Wait for that special person? Now it seems like a race to see who can sleep with as many people in as little time possible. And above all, what happened to keeping God's Word? Just little tidbits for thought... I know it kept my mind pretty busy today....
Loving thoughts,
Girl With No Name
P.S. As much as I love and appreciate comments on the posts, I have to ask that no names or demographic information is used.... Privacy assurance for all involved! =] Thank you!
Today I helped my sister go grocery shopping. She has a little two month old daughter, and a son that is almost two years old. As we were walking around the super market, I was carrying my nephew, and there was one point where we were just walking down some aisles with out his mom. Just me and my nephew having a good time. So it kinda shocked me when a lady, in about her 40's or so, gave me an extremely dirty look. It was then that I realized that my nephew was saying "Mama" while looking at me (his look saying, "Where the heck is my mom??). So I guess it was natural for that lady to assume I was his mom.
So here is the part that really bothers me: It would be completely acceptable for me to be his mother, according to society. I am EIGHTEEN. There are girls out there younger than I am, that are getting pregnant. Some on purpose, others by accident. But still. It's amazing that a teenage girl can walk around with a young child and it is just automatically assumed that she is that child's mother. Amazing, and quite horrifying.
I mean, what are we teaching our kids these days?? Sex Ed is pretty much to the point where they say "Sex, it's bad. Don't do it". Yeahhhh, THAT'S reassuring... Or, like in the big schools, they are handing out condoms to students. Yup. That will certainly stop the teens from having sex.....
What ever happened to the good ole days when people WANTED to abstain from sex? Wait for that special person? Now it seems like a race to see who can sleep with as many people in as little time possible. And above all, what happened to keeping God's Word? Just little tidbits for thought... I know it kept my mind pretty busy today....
Loving thoughts,
Girl With No Name
P.S. As much as I love and appreciate comments on the posts, I have to ask that no names or demographic information is used.... Privacy assurance for all involved! =] Thank you!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Where your courage lies....
Well, today I did the unthinkable (No, I didn't kill anyone or do anything illegal). Today I sang in church. Yup. A lot of you are probably wondering what the big deal is, people always sing at church. But no, no, no. I was on stage, with the worship team, singing. Something I said I would never ever do, especially not in front of about 400 people! Yet there I was.
It was really quite nerve racking... I didn't know any of the songs that well, and I haven't read sheet music since our choir class was canceled in 8th grade. Which is going on 6 years ago! So, I was terrified. But when the music started, I just sang, and everything went well! Sure, I messed up a few times, and a barely moved an inch, but hey, I was still singing! So it got me thinking; why do we do the things that scare us? What gives us that motivation, what tells us that it's all going to be okay??
Now, I am a Christian. I go to church, read my bible, pray everyday, and do my best to walk in God's word. But what on earth possessed me to become a part of my church's worship team?? I realize that in the big picture, singing in front of a group of people isn't that big of a deal. There are a lot of other things a person can do that are a lot scarier than that. But no matter what you do, you still have to find the courage to do it.
This summer, a group of my best friends and I went swimming at the river. We decided to drive over to the towers and jump off, which a good 40 foot drop. It took about 20 minutes of the boys coaxing us and threatening to push us off before we finally jumped. Me and my best friend, holding hands, screaming bloody murder the whole way down, and hitting the water with a loud and painful smack. What gave us the courage to finally jump?
There are a lot of things that may give us courage. Friends, family, seeing others do something before you, among many others that take too much time to actually think of. But one huge factor that no one always considers, is God. Today (and that day at the river), He was my courage and my strength. I joined our church's worship team because although I'm not a great singer, it's something I love to do and I wanted another way to show God that I love Him and want to serve Him. (And yes, I did think over all of this during the two sermons this morning. And can even tell you what the pastor was talking about! I'm just that good... ) ;)
So, all I ask of you is this: Discover what your motivation is. Discover where your courage lies. Find out just how much strength you really have, you may surprise yourself....
Loving thoughts,
Girl With No Name
It was really quite nerve racking... I didn't know any of the songs that well, and I haven't read sheet music since our choir class was canceled in 8th grade. Which is going on 6 years ago! So, I was terrified. But when the music started, I just sang, and everything went well! Sure, I messed up a few times, and a barely moved an inch, but hey, I was still singing! So it got me thinking; why do we do the things that scare us? What gives us that motivation, what tells us that it's all going to be okay??
Now, I am a Christian. I go to church, read my bible, pray everyday, and do my best to walk in God's word. But what on earth possessed me to become a part of my church's worship team?? I realize that in the big picture, singing in front of a group of people isn't that big of a deal. There are a lot of other things a person can do that are a lot scarier than that. But no matter what you do, you still have to find the courage to do it.
This summer, a group of my best friends and I went swimming at the river. We decided to drive over to the towers and jump off, which a good 40 foot drop. It took about 20 minutes of the boys coaxing us and threatening to push us off before we finally jumped. Me and my best friend, holding hands, screaming bloody murder the whole way down, and hitting the water with a loud and painful smack. What gave us the courage to finally jump?
There are a lot of things that may give us courage. Friends, family, seeing others do something before you, among many others that take too much time to actually think of. But one huge factor that no one always considers, is God. Today (and that day at the river), He was my courage and my strength. I joined our church's worship team because although I'm not a great singer, it's something I love to do and I wanted another way to show God that I love Him and want to serve Him. (And yes, I did think over all of this during the two sermons this morning. And can even tell you what the pastor was talking about! I'm just that good... ) ;)
So, all I ask of you is this: Discover what your motivation is. Discover where your courage lies. Find out just how much strength you really have, you may surprise yourself....
Loving thoughts,
Girl With No Name
So here we all are...
I have started this blog in hopes to sort out the good from the bad; the real from the fake; and all of life's other messes, not just for myself, but for others as well. Although the blog will be a conglomeration of my personal experiences, believes, and random thoughts; feel free to comment, give advice, whatever. I don't mind. So, here is to day one!
So, to start us off, I have come to the realization that movies lie. Now obviously this shouldn't be that new to most of us.... Most movies, start out similar to how our lives really are. Hard. Unforgiving. Little moments of joy, followed by twice as much heartbreak. But, unlike our lives, movies always get better. The girl forgives the boy, they live happily ever after. Giving false hope to the rest of us. Take the show The Office for example. (I have recently become addicted) I love to watch it, not just because of all the pranks Jim pulls on Dwight, but because I love to watch the relationship between Jim and Pam. I can't help but want the same thing. Which is exactly what the show's producers want. Something to hook you, pull you in. For girls, it's a romantic story line. We all want to be the girl that's engaged, but secretly in love with the cute, nice, loving guy that is secretly in love with you too, and to have everything work out so you guys admit your forbidden love and live happily dating (as of now in season 4). I often wonder how something like that could work for me. But unfortunately, our lives are not written by the director of The Notebook, Charlie St. Cloud, Dear John, or even The Office. So, we just get to sit here. Imagine what could be, and move back into our days of work, school, kids, and traffic jams. Oh the joys.
Loving thoughts,
Girl With No Name
So, to start us off, I have come to the realization that movies lie. Now obviously this shouldn't be that new to most of us.... Most movies, start out similar to how our lives really are. Hard. Unforgiving. Little moments of joy, followed by twice as much heartbreak. But, unlike our lives, movies always get better. The girl forgives the boy, they live happily ever after. Giving false hope to the rest of us. Take the show The Office for example. (I have recently become addicted) I love to watch it, not just because of all the pranks Jim pulls on Dwight, but because I love to watch the relationship between Jim and Pam. I can't help but want the same thing. Which is exactly what the show's producers want. Something to hook you, pull you in. For girls, it's a romantic story line. We all want to be the girl that's engaged, but secretly in love with the cute, nice, loving guy that is secretly in love with you too, and to have everything work out so you guys admit your forbidden love and live happily dating (as of now in season 4). I often wonder how something like that could work for me. But unfortunately, our lives are not written by the director of The Notebook, Charlie St. Cloud, Dear John, or even The Office. So, we just get to sit here. Imagine what could be, and move back into our days of work, school, kids, and traffic jams. Oh the joys.
Loving thoughts,
Girl With No Name
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