Well, today I did the unthinkable (No, I didn't kill anyone or do anything illegal). Today I sang in church. Yup. A lot of you are probably wondering what the big deal is, people always sing at church. But no, no, no. I was on stage, with the worship team, singing. Something I said I would never ever do, especially not in front of about 400 people! Yet there I was.
It was really quite nerve racking... I didn't know any of the songs that well, and I haven't read sheet music since our choir class was canceled in 8th grade. Which is going on 6 years ago! So, I was terrified. But when the music started, I just sang, and everything went well! Sure, I messed up a few times, and a barely moved an inch, but hey, I was still singing! So it got me thinking; why do we do the things that scare us? What gives us that motivation, what tells us that it's all going to be okay??
Now, I am a Christian. I go to church, read my bible, pray everyday, and do my best to walk in God's word. But what on earth possessed me to become a part of my church's worship team?? I realize that in the big picture, singing in front of a group of people isn't that big of a deal. There are a lot of other things a person can do that are a lot scarier than that. But no matter what you do, you still have to find the courage to do it.
This summer, a group of my best friends and I went swimming at the river. We decided to drive over to the towers and jump off, which a good 40 foot drop. It took about 20 minutes of the boys coaxing us and threatening to push us off before we finally jumped. Me and my best friend, holding hands, screaming bloody murder the whole way down, and hitting the water with a loud and painful smack. What gave us the courage to finally jump?
There are a lot of things that may give us courage. Friends, family, seeing others do something before you, among many others that take too much time to actually think of. But one huge factor that no one always considers, is God. Today (and that day at the river), He was my courage and my strength. I joined our church's worship team because although I'm not a great singer, it's something I love to do and I wanted another way to show God that I love Him and want to serve Him. (And yes, I did think over all of this during the two sermons this morning. And can even tell you what the pastor was talking about! I'm just that good... ) ;)
So, all I ask of you is this: Discover what your motivation is. Discover where your courage lies. Find out just how much strength you really have, you may surprise yourself....
Loving thoughts,
Girl With No Name
About Me

- girl_with_no_name
- I created this blog as a way to keep friends and family updated on my life and how I've been doing since moving away from the only place I've ever known: a small, 530 population town, to a large city! There have been a lot of ups, and a lot of downs, but through it all I've been trusting Christ, and learning what true faith means and what it really looks like...
1 comment:
I am sure you have a great singing voice. I appreciated you encouraging us to find our motivation. Good advice.
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