Growing up is hard. All you ever heard about when you were little were all the bonuses to getting older. (And by older, I mean 21... everyone knows after that, the next big thing is Senior Discounts...). You get to drive, go to dances, date, party, move out, buy tobacco (gross...), and TWENTY ONE (no explanation needed!). What you don't hear about? Running out of money. Having to make your own doctor appointments (which is actually a lot scarier than it sounds! Who knew moms were so handy?!). Paying bills. Moving away from the only world you've ever known. Having to know your way around a new city when you're directionally challenged (such as I am). It's not very fun, this growing up stuff....
But amongst all that, I can't help but feel happy, overjoyed, and slightly overwhelmed at just how much God has blessed me. I get to live with my sister and her husband; watch my nephew and niece grow up and experience the world. I saw my niece laugh out loud for the first time of her life tonight. It was amazing! And now, my brother has moved into the house. I get a chance to actually get to know him, make a relationship with him, and HAVE my brother! I am so blessed.
Moving away from the place I grew up was insanely difficult for me. I'm a person that doesn't like change; and to go from a small, "Population: 500" town to a city with over 35,000; and the surrounding cities with equal or great amounts of people, was quite literally a culture shock! I had been a huge social butterfly back home. Now I feel like that girl in the movies that is the quirky yearbook photographer. Always taking pictures of people having fun, but never participating or being in the picture herself. But, this place is slowly becoming my own. I'm making amazing new friends who have the same desire as me to walk with the Lord, and who lift me up and want to see me succeed! I am so blessed.
In high school, saving money was never on the front of my mind. It seemed to go out of my bank account just as quickly as it went it; which I now think is kind of strange, considering I have nothing to show for it... Hmm. So when I started college, jobless, I was scared! I wasn't sure how I was supposed to survive! But, with the help of my parents and sister, and the savings bonds I accumulated over the years from my grandparents, I managed to keep my head above water until I landed a sales associate job for the winter season in the mall. But, after Christmas Eve, I was out of a job again! Until last week that is; when my oh-so-wonderful bible study leader and friend got me an interview with a jewelry store, and I got the job! Just in the nick of time too, I was about out of resources for getting myself to school everyday! I am so very blessed.
Last week, out of nowhere, my mouth started hurting badly. Hurt enough to distract me from anything I started doing, and I wanted to cry.... I thought at first it was from the massive amounts of soda I had drank that week, especially since it had been months since I drank pop, but when it didn't go away, I figured it was the tooth I had a root canal on last winter. I knew I needed to schedule an appointment with a dentist, but I was terrified! I didn't have the slightest clue how to even go about FINDING a dentist, let alone making an appointment! But, long story short, I did find one, and I LOVE him! He is awesome! After he found out I was in school for medical assisting, he started talking to me like an MA, and even gave me little tests on my knowledge of medical terminology! (Which I passed. Just saying...) I am SO blessed.
So, you've probably gotten the point by now.... There's a lot of cool things about growing up, and a lot of hard things too... But you have to remember, you can always find something good in the lowest of situations if you know how to look for them. All these hard experiences I'm going through now, are shaping me into the person I'm going to be for the rest of my life. It's just a matter of relying on God; which I'm more than happy to do.... He has a WAY better perspective of the whole situation than I do!
Loving thoughts,
Girl With No Name
About Me

- girl_with_no_name
- I created this blog as a way to keep friends and family updated on my life and how I've been doing since moving away from the only place I've ever known: a small, 530 population town, to a large city! There have been a lot of ups, and a lot of downs, but through it all I've been trusting Christ, and learning what true faith means and what it really looks like...
1 comment:
It sounds like life is lining up for you(not without any effort). It is awesome to see the others I know doing so well in all of life. Though I know there is always something good it does get hard sometimes. I have been applying for work since a little before the beginning of the year and still have nothing to show for it except an empty wallet for all the traveling costs. I just hope something comes soon.
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