So, the past few days I have been on a major eating spree. I have no idea what's been going on! For the past 5 months or so, my stomach has been quite small, and I haven't been able to eat a whole lot. But suddenly on Wednesday, I couldn't keep my head out of the cupboards! I've been eating ever since!
But I've discovered a trick that makes me not want to eat... Medical videos! It started yesterday when we watched a vasectomy in class (Definitely about lost it.....the one time I feel bad for guys.) Anyway, today I haven't been able to stop eating yet again. Only problem: I have no idea what I want. So, I decided to try and distract myself. Got on the computer, hit up YouTube, and typed in abscess removal. Yup. No longer hungry, that's for sure!!
So that's pretty much what led me to tonight's post. Home videos! Dual purpose: Gross out people, AND show what a moron you are!! YAY! So, I know that there is a strong appeal in recording your friends popping a cyst somewhere on your body and posting it online, but there's a few things that these people don't look into...
Number One: A cyst, abscess, pimple, whatever; they aren't just on the surface of your skin. They go much, much deeper! A lot of the best home videos on draining a cyst are the BIG abscesses. The ones that, if you were to go to a clinic or hospital, would be packed with sterile gauze after it was drained. That NEED to be packed in order for less chances of contamination, proper healing, and reduce risk of infection; whiiiiiiiiiich leads me to number two.
The main thing about these home videos that makes me cringe, is the lack of sterility. There was one woman who lanced her husband's cyst with a knife, and proceeded to drain it, all without cleaning the knife or the skin with at least some peroxide. Gross. And to add to all that, she was dealing with an open wound. With puss, and blood. First, talk about blood borne pathogens.... Second, the band-aide on her index finger that was pushing on her lil' hubby's cyst. You know what band-aides cover? Cuts. An ENTRY WAY for all that blood and nastiness coming out of his body. I can't even begin to say how disgusting that is! I mean really, not wearing gloves, and not trying to sterilize ANYTHING??
Number three: Why in the blazes would you trust your health and well being with your friends? Another video I watched: drunk friends popped a guy's cyst with needle. Beer bottles all over the place, all the friends taking a turn on popping it a bit. WHY?! Gahh, so unsterile! So wrong! Eeeewwww!
Okay. So I'm done with my rant. But still, there is a reason doctors go to school for so long. There's a reason people in the medical field get paid so much. Let's let them do their job!!! Stop thinking that everything can be solved with an at home remedy! Some times, you really need to just suck it up and hit up the doctor's office... It'd save you a lot of pain and suffering! (Not to mention possible conditions much worse than what you started out with!)
Loving thoughts,
Girl With No Name
About Me

- girl_with_no_name
- I created this blog as a way to keep friends and family updated on my life and how I've been doing since moving away from the only place I've ever known: a small, 530 population town, to a large city! There have been a lot of ups, and a lot of downs, but through it all I've been trusting Christ, and learning what true faith means and what it really looks like...
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