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I created this blog as a way to keep friends and family updated on my life and how I've been doing since moving away from the only place I've ever known: a small, 530 population town, to a large city! There have been a lot of ups, and a lot of downs, but through it all I've been trusting Christ, and learning what true faith means and what it really looks like...

Monday, March 12, 2012

My Future Husband

Hello All!!

So, most of you know that I’ve finally moved out on my own, and am now in an apartment with my best friend (but that’s a whole other post in itself!). While I was unpacking though, I found something that I’d totally forgotten I had made!

Shortly after Ethan and I broke up I decided to write a list of the things that I want in my future husband. They range from the totally vain (like good looks) to the totally non-negotiable (like having a strong relationship with Christ).  It was interesting to read this list over, especially since there is someone that I’m interested in right now. It was also entertaining to see some of the things I had written down (you could definitely tell I had just gotten out of a relationship!)

Anyways, I decided to share my list with you. I’m going to keep my list of the “vain” things that I want, because I feel like it’s a good thing to know what you’d like, whether God actually gives that to you or not! The key is to still be happy with whatever Christ blesses you with! I did revise a little bit of my Non-negotiable list though, since my relationship with Christ has changed so much since I originally wrote this.

Let’s start with my “Vain” list. I’m going to write in red what is on the list, and give you a little explanation as to why I wrote what I did, unless it’s pretty self-explanatory. So, without further ado, here is my Future Husband- List Of Vain:

1. Good Looking (Now, I know people say, “Attraction grows as you get to know a person”. Yes, it does! BUT, I know myself, and I know that if I’m not physically attracted to a person, I’m not going to be romantically interested. I know that sounds terrible, but it’s the way I am…)

2. Large Build (I know I’m not a huge girl, but I’m not a little one either… I like piggyback rides, and I like to be carried…. I don’t want to feel like I’m going to squish the poor guy I love if I jump on him!)

3. Cares about his appearance (I think that is pretty self explanatory…)

4. Great voice (I’m not really sure how to explain this one, lol but a good voice makes me melt…)

5. Smells good (Again, I melt if a guy smells good!)

6. Good kisser

7. Likes to dance (Because while I’m not very good at dancing, I love to do it!)

8. Love dogs (Because I hate cats and want a few dogs!)

9. Likes cooking (This was an ongoing joke all through high school. I have always said that my future husband had better like to cook, because I can’t! Unless he wants a lot of pasta… haha)
    10.  Likes indoor AND outdoor activities 

    11. Is a gentleman

    12.  Good with finances
    13.  Great sense of humor, loves to laugh

    14.  Not afraid to act like an idiot with me
    15.  Always up for new adventures
    16.  Will tell me I’m beautiful when I’m not trying to be (Come on, what girl doesn’t want that??)
    17. Will kill spiders for me! (Everyone who knows me, knows I HATE spiders!! I flip out…)

    18. Has interest in traveling

Okay! Now you know how terribly vain I am! But those things aren’t all that I want in a guy… Now here is my Future Husband-Non-negotiable List:

   1.     Strong relationship with Christ (It’s not enough to just “be a Christian”… I want to be able to see the fruits from your relationship with God! How is He working in your life??)
   2.     Involved in church (Don’t just show up on Sunday mornings… church’s always need help somewhere, so jump in and do something!)
   3.     Likes serving in ministries (Really just ties into number 2… Don’t do something with a heavy heart- do what you LIKE to do, and do it for the glory of God!)
   4.     Is a virgin (This one is a little hard for me to explain, but I’ve had a hard battle to keep my virginity… I feel very strongly that God will honor that fight by giving me a virgin husband)

   5.     Strong family connection

   6.     Loves being with family

   7.     Wants a family of his own (Tying 5-7 in this explanation. Family is really important to me… if it wasn’t for my family always being here for me and supporting me, I have no idea where I would be. I want family to be just as important to my husband as it is to me!)

   8.     Doesn’t let failed past relationships haunt him (It always sucks when a relationship doesn’t work, but it didn’t work for a reason: God said no! don’t let that affect you so much that when you find the person God is saying yes to, you can’t see what’s right in front of you! Also, I am not that girl who hurt you before…)

   9.     Doesn’t push physical boundaries (Remember that fight I talked about in number 4? Don’t make that fight even harder.)

   10. Will tell me if something is bothering him (Giving advice is one thing that I love to do, and happen to be pretty good at. LET ME HELP!)

   11. Likes to talk (I don’t care what we talk about, but talk! Tell me what’s going on in your day, tell me the stupid things your coworkers are doing, whatever! I love talking, so it’s torture for me to be around people who keep to themselves…)

   12. Likes to volunteer

   13. Will tell me if I’m wearing too much makeup

   14. Isn’t afraid to tell me to put on more clothes

   15. Is strong enough in himself and his relationship with Christ to be the spiritual leader in our home, like God calls every man to be.

   16. Will be able to push me and help me keep my relationship with Christ strong

   17. Doesn’t smoke

   18. Doesn’t party

   19. Doesn’t swear

Well, there you have it… I’m sure there are more things that can go on either list, but those will come to me in time. I would really encourage everyone to make his or her own Future Spouse list. It really helps to see what you’re willing to let slide (your vain list) and what is really important to you in a relationship. Then, when you find you’re interested in someone, you can use your list as a sort of checklist. Do they have any of the qualities on your non-negotiable list? It’s a lot harder to be like, “Oh, well they don’t really go to church very often, but that’s okay…” when you have it written down that he or she has to be in a strong relationship with Christ.

I would also encourage you to give a copy of your list to someone you trust that can help you see if the person you’re interested in really is a good person for you to date according to what you have written down as important or as things that you’d really like to have. It’s hard to see those parts of people that you DON’T want, when you are emotionally involved in the situation (such as having a crush). But someone that is on the outside of the situation has a much clearer picture of what is really there. 

And if you are currently in a relationship, or if you like someone, I would really encourage you to pray seriously about your list before you make it. You don’t want to find yourself making a list that obviously depicts the person you like! That would totally ruin the point of making the list in the first place!

Anyways, I hope you had fun reading today’s post, and I hope it gets you all thinking! If you have any questions about anything I said, please feel free to comment, or shoot me a text if you have my number!

I hope you all have an amazing and God-filled day!

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